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This table shows items related to the item Number.
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Showing 501 - 520 of 734 results.
Name Details Statuses
Reason case management plan does not exist, code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason why a current case management plan does not exist.
  • Homelessness: Standard on
  • Housing assistance: Standard on
  • Community Services: Standard on
Reason case management plan does not exist (SAAP) code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason why a current case management plan does not exist.
  • Community Services: Superseded on
Reason for accommodation not being offered code N[NN]
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason for accommodation not being offered by the SAAP agency.
  • Community Services: Superseded on
Reason for accommodation offer not being taken up, code N[NN]
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason for non-acceptance of accommodation offer.
  • Community Services: Retired on
Reason for community service cessation code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason a client ceases to receive services.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Reason for COVID-19 Testing Code X
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason for a COVID-19 test.
  • ACSA Research Data Stewards Committee: Recorded on
Reason for disability service cessation code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason a client leaves a specialist disability service.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Reason for earlier unsuccessful accommodation attempt code N[NN]
Value Domain
A code set representing a reason why the person/group had been unsuccessful earlier that day in getting accommodated.
  • Community Services: Retired on
Reason for episode of treatment for alcohol and other drugs cessation code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing the reasons for cessation of a treatment episode.
  • Health: Standard on
Reason for health clinic attendance, code NN
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason or health issue that prompts a visit to a health clinic.
  • Health: Standard on
Reason for NDA service cessation code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason an NDA service user leaves the service type outlet.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Reason for non-utilisation of health service code NN
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason for not using a health service when it was needed.
  • Health: Standard on
Reason for not providing assistance code N
Value Domain
A code set representing reasons for not providing a service to a person.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Reason for out-of-home placement exit code NN
Value Domain
A code representing the reason why an child has exited an out-of-home care placement
  • Community Services: Standard on
Reason for readmission following acute coronary syndrome episode code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing the main reason for the admission following a previous discharge from an acute coronary syndrome episode.
  • Health: Standard on
Reason for readmission following acute coronary syndrome episode code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing the main reason for the admission following a previous discharge from an acute coronary syndrome episode.
  • Health: Superseded on
Reason for removal from an elective surgery waiting list code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason why a patient is removed from an elective surgery waiting list.
  • Health: Standard on
Reason for removal from an elective surgery waiting list code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the reason why a patient is removed from an elective surgery waiting list.
  • Health: Standard on
Reasons for not providing services, homelessness code N[N]
Value Domain
The reason(s) services were not provided to a person seeking assistance from an Agency.
  • Homelessness: Standard on
  • Housing assistance: Standard on
Reasons for seeking assistance homelessness code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing the reasons for presenting to a specialist homelessness agency in order to seek assistance.
  • Housing assistance: Standard on
  • Homelessness: Standard on