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A code set representing the reason a client leaves a specialist disability service.


Data Type Number
Format N[N]
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Client no longer needs the assistance—moved to mainstream services
2 Client no longer needs the assistance—other
3 Client moved to residential aged care
4 Client moved to other (non-aged care) residential or supported accommodation setting
5 Client moved to other institutional setting
6 Client moved out of area
7 Client terminated service
8 Client's needs have increased—other service type required
9 Service terminated due to budget/staffing constraints
10 Service terminated due to work health and safety ('OHS') reasons
11 Client no longer eligible for service
12 Client died
88 Other reason
98 Unknown
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

Where the client has ceased to receive services for more than one reason, record the main or primary reason for the cessation of service.

CODE 1 Client no longer needs the assistance

Use if the client moved to mainstream services, for example from employment service to paid open labour market.

CODE 2 Client no longer needs the assistance

Use if the client's needs have decreased, are managing on their own, or making use of other assistance, or the original problem has been resolved or no longer exists.

CODE 3 Client moved to residential aged care

Use if the client has moved to a residential aged care facility.

CODE 4 Client moved to other (non aged care) residential or supported accommodation setting

Use if the client has moved to a supported accommodation/living facility (for example, group home).

CODE 5 Client moved to other institutional setting

Use if the client has moved to another institutional care setting (for example, hospital).

CODE 6 Client moved out of area

Use if the client has ceased to receive assistance from the service provider because the service user moved out of the geographic area of coverage of the service. That is, the reason the service ceased to assist the client is primarily because of a change in the service user’s location and not because of any change in their need for assistance.

CODE 7 Client died

Use if the client has died.

CODE 8 Client terminated service

Use if the service ceased because of the client's choice, and not because of any agency assessment of need or change in the client's external circumstances. (If the client had not made this choice they would have continued to receive this assistance.)

CODE 9 Client needs have increased

Use if the client's needs have increased to the point where the service type is no longer the most appropriate service type.

CODE 10 Service terminated due to budget/staffing constraints

Use if the client's needs have not changed but the service provider can no longer provide assistance due to budget or staff constraints.

CODE 11 Service terminated due to work health and safety reasons

Use if the client's needs have not changed but the service provider terminated the service for work health and safety reasons (related to the support worker (or volunteer)).

CODE 12 Client no longer eligible for service

Use if the client is no longer eligible for the service, for example due to age or other eligibility criteria.

CODE 88 Other reason

Use if the the reason for the client ceasing to receive assistance from the service is not listed above.

CODE 98 Unknown

Use if the reason for the client ceasing to receive assistance from the service is not known.


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Relation Count
Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 1