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A code set representing a reason why the person/group had been unsuccessful earlier that day in getting accommodated.


Data Type Number
Format N[NN]
Maximum character length 3


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Insufficient accommodation available
2 Agency inappropriate—wrong target group
4 Agency in wrong area
5 Group did not want to split up
6 Person/group inappropriate for agency
7 Type of accommodation requested not provided
8 Accommodation refused for other reason
999 Other (please specify)
Supplementary Values 0No information/don't know


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Insufficient accommodation available

This code is used in a situation where all the beds/accommodation at the agency approached by the person/group were occupied, or the available accommodation was not of sufficient capacity to accommodate the request. This option is selected if, for example, a family of two adults and five children request accommodation, but the accommodation available was only suitable for a family of four.

CODE 2 Agency inappropriate—wrong target group

This code is selected in a situation where the person/group seeking accommodation did not fall within an agency’s target group. For example, if the agency could not provide accommodation to a woman and her two children because it only provides accommodation for single men.

CODE 4 Agency in wrong area

This code is used in a situation where a person/group did not want to move either out of a particular area/town or into a particular area/town in order to get accommodated.

CODE 5 Group did not want to split up.

This code is selected if a group could not be accommodated together and did not want to separate. This includes couples and groups of friends who could not be accommodated together.

CODE 6 Person/group inappropriate for agency.

Reasons for this code being used might include an agency judging a person/group as being too intoxicated or too violent for their service, or having a past history with the agency, or where a person/group cannot abide by an agency’s rules.

CODE 7 Type of accommodation requested not provided

This code is used in a situation where a request for accommodation is made that an agency could not provide. This option includes requests for longer-term accommodation that could not be provided. It also includes requests for houses rather than dormitory or share accommodation that could not be met.

CODE 8 Accommodation refused for other reason

This code is selected if the person/group refused an earlier offer of accommodation for a reason not already listed.

CODE 999 Other (please specify)

If the main reason why a person/group was previously turned away is something other than those listed, this code is used and the reason is recorded.

CODE 0 No information/don’t know


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