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A code set representing the reason a client ceases to receive services.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Client no longer needs assistance from agency
2 Client referred or moved to other agency
3 Client's needs have not changed but agency can or will no longer provide assistance
4 Client moved out of area
5 Client terminated service
6 Client died
8 Other reason
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Client no longer needs assistance from agency

Where the problem is resolved or no longer exists or client is able to manage without the agency's assistance. Where the client has moved to another agency or form of assistance (either of their own choice or the agency 's) code 2 Client referred or moved to other agency, should be used.

Code 2 Client referred or moved to other agency

This code includes situations where the client's changing dependency or need for assistance has reached the point where the agency can no longer provide the necessary assistance and the client is referred to a more appropriate agency. Includes situations where the agency's assistance is no longer provided because the client has moved onto another form of assistance (e.g. from home with a carer to an institutional or residential care setting or a supported accommodation care setting).

CODE 3 Client's needs have not changed but agency can or will no longer provide assistance

This code includes situations where the client's need for assistance has not changed but the agency has ceased to provide assistance to the client because of the agency's resource limitations. This would usually be associated with a review of the relative need of all agency clients in order to decide on which clients have priority. Where the main reason the client ceased to receive services from the agency was because the client's increased level of need /dependency led to a referral to another agency or program that provides a higher level of community care, code 2 should be used. Also includes when an agency terminates service to a client for worker (or volunteer) occupational health and safety reasons. Safety issues may relate to the physical setting of service delivery (e.g. unsafe or unsanitary dwelling) or to concerns with the physical or emotional wellbeing of the worker (or volunteer) due to the client's behaviour.

CODE 4 Client moved out of area

The client ceased to receive assistance from the agency because the client moved out of the geographic area of coverage of the agency. That is, the reason the agency ceases to assist the client is primarily because of a change in client's residential location and not because of any change in their need for assistance.

CODE 5 Client terminated service

The decision to cease receiving assistance from the agency is made by the client. That is, it was the client's choice and not the result of any agency assessment of need or change in the client's external circumstances. If the client had not made this choice they would have continued to receive assistance from the agency.

Home and Community Care (HACC) Data Dictionary Version 1.0, 1998


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