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Showing only items where Registration status is Standard.

Showing 261 - 280 of 389 results.

  1. Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours indicator, yes/no code N (Data Element)

    An indicator of whether a person with cancer has multiple primary tumours, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  2. Person with cancer—solid tumour size (at diagnosis), total millimetres NNN (Data Element)

    The largest dimension of a solid tumour, measured in millimetres.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  3. Cancer treatment—radiation dose administered, total Gray N[NN.NN] (Data Element)

    The largest prescribed dose of radiation administered during the course of treatment for cancer, measured in Gray (Gy).

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  4. Person with cancer—basis of diagnostic investigation, code N (Data Element)

    The basis of diagnostic investigation of a person with cancer at the time of first presentation, as represented by a...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  5. Person with cancer—melanoma thickness (at diagnosis), total millimetres NNN.NN (Data Element)

    The measured thickness of a melanoma in millimetres.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  6. Person with cancer—second-line treatment intention, code N (Data Element)

    The intended outcome of second-line treatment administered to a person with cancer, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  7. Patient—diagnosis date (first recurrence of cancer), DDMMYYYY (Data Element)

    The date a medical practitioner confirms the diagnosis of a recurrent or metastatic cancer of the same histology.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  8. Person with cancer—clinical trial entry status, code N (Data Element)

    The status of clinical trial acceptance for the person with cancer, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  9. Person with cancer—distant metastatic site(s) at diagnosis, topography code (ICD-O-3) ANN.N (Data Element)

    The anatomical position (topography) of the secondary or distant metastatic site(s) identified in the person with cancer at the time...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  10. Psychosocial services type (Property)

    The type of psychosocial service a person is referred to as part of their cancer treatment or follow-up.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  11. Residual (R) tumour indicator (Property)

    The presence or absence of residual tumour after treatment. Residual tumour is based on the UICC TNM cancer staging system...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  12. Cancer treatment—surgery target site, topography code (ICD-O-3) ANN.N (Data Element)

    The target site of cancer-directed surgery performed during the course of treatment for cancer, as represented by an ICD-O-3 code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  13. Person with cancer—number of sentinel lymph nodes examined, total code N[NN] (Data Element)

    The total number of a person's sentinel lymph nodes examined by the pathologist.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  14. Person with cancer—referral to palliative care services indicator, yes/no/unknown code N (Data Element)

    An indicator of whether the person with cancer was referred to palliative care services as part of their cancer treatment...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  15. Person with cancer—number of positive sentinel lymph nodes, total code N[NN] (Data Element)

    The total number of sentinel lymph nodes reported as containing tumour after examination by a pathologist.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  16. Person with cancer—perineural invasion indicator, yes/no/not applicable/not stated/inadequately described code N (Data Element)

    An indicator of whether perineural invasion is evident in a pathology specimen of the person with cancer, as represented by...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  17. Referral to palliative care services indicator (Property)

    An indicator of whether a patient has been referred to palliative care services. Referral to palliative care services is referral to...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  18. Surgical margin qualifier (Property)

    The orientation of the surgical margin that is closest to the invasive or in situ carcinoma. Surgical margins represent sites that...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  19. Multiple primary tumours descriptor (Property)

    Whether the multiple primary tumours in the person with cancer are synchronous or metachronous. Synchronous primary tumours are detected simultaneously, either...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  20. Diagnosis date of first recurrence as distant metastasis (Property)

    The date of first recurrence as distant metastatic disease. The term recurrence defines the return, reappearance or metastasis of cancer (of...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
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