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Showing 441 - 460 of 734 results.
Name Details Statuses
Ophthalmoscopy performed code N
Value Domain
A code set representing whether an ophthalmoscopy was performed.
  • Health: Standard on
Organisation address type code N
Value Domain
A code set representing a type of address of an organisation.
  • Health: Standard on
  • Community Services: Superseded on
Organisation name type code N
Value Domain
A codeset representing the differentiation between names.
  • Community Services: Superseded on
  • Health: Standard on
Organisation type code NN
Value Domain
A code set that represents a type of organisation.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Outcome of cancer treatment code N.N
Value Domain
A code set representing the response of the tumour at the completion of treatment.
  • Health: Superseded on
Outcome of pregnancy code N
Value Domain
A code set representing outcome of a pregnancy.
  • Health: Standard on
Outcome of treatment code N.N
Value Domain
A code set representing the response of the tumour at the completion of treatment.
  • Health: Superseded on
Out-of-home care flag code N
Value Domain
A codeset representing whether a person has been, or is in, out-of-home care.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Out-of-home care placement legal order code N
Value Domain
A code set representing types of out-of-home care placement legal orders.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Out-of-home care placement type code N
Value Domain
A code set representing types of out-of-home placement.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Out-of-home placement financial payment indicator code N
Value Domain
A code set representing whether a child protection authority has made a financial contribution toward an out-of-home placement.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Outpatient clinic tier 2 type code NN.NN
Value Domain
The code set representing the organisational unit or organisational arrangement through which a hospital provides healthcare services in an outpatient...
  • Unregistered
Outpatient clinic type code N[N]
Value Domain
The code set representing the nature of service provided by an organisational unit or organisational arrangement through which a hospital...
  • Health: Superseded on
Outpatient clinic type code N[N]
Value Domain
The code set representing the organisational unit or organisational arrangement through which a hospital provides healthcare services in an outpatient...
  • Health: Standard on
Overdue patient status code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the timeliness of patient care.
  • Health: Standard on
Palliative care agency service delivery setting code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the settings in which a palliative care agency delivers palliative care services.
  • Health: Standard on
Palliative care partner organisation type code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing types of organisations.
  • Health: Standard on
Parental care (child protection) code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing types of parental care for a child within a household.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Participation extent code (ICF 2001) N
Value Domain
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF 2001) code set representing the degree of participation by an individual...
  • Community Services: Standard on
  • Health: Standard on
Participation extent code (ICF 2001) N
Value Domain
The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF 2001) code set representing the degree of participation by an individual...
  • Community Services: Superseded on