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A code set representing who was the recipient of the payment for damages made to a medical indemnity claimant.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 2 Payment to patient only
3 Payment to other party/parties only
4 Payment to patient and other party/parties
Supplementary Values 7 Not applicable—no payment to claimant
9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

The claimant is the person who is pursuing a medical indemnity claim and may be the patient or some other party claiming for harm or loss allegedly resulting from the health-care incident that gave rise to the medical indemnity claim.

CODE 7 Not applicable—no payment to claimant

'Not applicable—no payment to claimant' should be used where no payment was made to the claimant; for example, if legal or investigative costs have been paid, but there has been no payment of damages.

CODE 9 Not stated/inadequately described

'Not stated/inadequately described' should be used when the information is not currently available.

Related codes are collected by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (2006) as part of their National Claims and Policies Database.


APRA (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority) 2006. Data specifications National Claims and Policies Database document number 3.1. Canberra: APRA
This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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