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A code set representing the overall nature of subacute care provided.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Rehabilitation care
2 Palliative care
3 Geriatric evaluation and management
4 Psychogeriatric care
8 Other care


Guide for use:

Subacute care is defined as rehabilitation, palliative care, geriatric evaluation and management, and psychogeriatric care.

CODE 1 Rehabilitation care

Rehabilitation care is care in which the clinical intent or treatment goal is to improve the functional status of a patient with an impairment, disability or handicap. It is usually evidenced by a interdisciplinary rehabilitation plan comprising negotiated goals and indicative time frames which are evaluated by a periodic assessment using a recognised functional assessment measure.

CODE 2 Palliative care

Palliative care is care in which the clinical intent or treatment goal is primarily quality of life for a patient with an active, progressive disease with little or no prospect of cure. It is usually evidenced by an interdisciplinary assessment and/or management of the physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual needs of the patient; and the provision of grief and bereavement support for the patient and their carers/family.

CODE 3 Geriatric evaluation and management (GEM)

Geriatric evaluation and management is care in which the clinical intent or treatment goal is to maximise the health status and/or optimise the living arrangements for a patient with multi-dimensional medical conditions associated with disabilities and psychosocial problems, who is usually (but not always) an older patient. This may also include younger adults with clinical conditions generally associated with old age. This care is usually evidenced by interdisciplinary management and regular assessments against a management plan that is working towards negotiated goals within indicative time frames.

CODE 4 Psychogeriatric care

Psychogeriatric care is care in which the clinical intent or treatment goal is improvement in health, modification of symptoms and enhancement in function, behaviour and/or quality of life for a patient with an age-related organic brain impairment with significant behavioural or late onset psychiatric disturbance or a physical condition accompanied by severe psychiatric or behavioural disturbance. The care is usually evidenced by interdisciplinary management and regular assessments against a management plan that is working towards negotiated goals within indicative time frames.

CODE 8 Other care

Any care provided that does not fall within the categories above. e.g. maintenance care, and acute care.

NOTE: Interdisciplinary care is care provided by a multidisciplinary team.


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