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This item has been superseded by a newer version by one or more Registration Authorities.


A descriptor of the overall nature of subacute care delivered during a non-admitted patient service event, derived from other service characteristics, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:

In addition to the definitions within the value domain, further clarifying information is provided below.

Rehabilitation care includes care provided:

  • in a designated rehabilitation unit (i.e. a dedicated unit that receives identified funding for rehabilitation care and/or primarily delivers rehabilitation care); or
  • according to a designated rehabilitation program (i.e. care is delivered by a specialised team of staff who are dedicated to rehabilitation care); or
  • under the principal clinical management of a rehabilitation physician or related healthcare worker; or
  • where the care requested is rehabilitation care.

Palliative care includes care provided:

  • in a designated palliative care unit (i.e. a dedicated unit that receives identified funding for palliative care and/or primarily delivers palliative care); or
  • according to a designated palliative care program (i.e. care is delivered by a specialised team of staff who are dedicated to palliative care); or
  • under the principal clinical management of a palliative care physician or related healthcare worker; or
  • where the care requested is palliative care.

Geriatric evaluation and management (GEM) includes care provided:

  • in a geriatric evaluation and management unit (i.e. a dedicated unit that receives identified funding for GEM and/or primarily delivers GEM); or
  • in a designated geriatric evaluation and management program (i.e. care is delivered by a specialised team of staff who are dedicated to GEM); or
  • under the principal clinical management of a geriatric evaluation and management physician or related healthcare worker; or
  • where the care requested is geriatric evaluation and management.

Psychogeriatric care includes care provided:

  • in a psychogeriatric care unit (i.e. a dedicated unit that receives identified funding for psychogeriatric care and/or primarily delivers psychogeriatric care); or
  • in a designated psychogeriatric care program (i.e. care is delivered by a specialised team of staff who are dedicated to psychogeriatric care); or
  • under the principal clinical management of a psychogeriatric physician or related healthcare worker; or
  • where the care requested is psychogeriatric care.


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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 5
Inclusion in Data Distributions 0
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0