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The total number of housing places supported by specialised mental health services available at 30 June, targeted to people affected by mental illness or psychiatric disability.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Total supported mental health housing places NNNNNN ".
Data Type Number
Maximum character length 6


Guide for use:

These are places made available by public housing authorities, health departments or non-government organisations (NGOs) under an agreement with the relevant State or Territory government authority responsible for funding mental health services. Such agreements commit the State or Territory funding authority to ensure provision of assistance to people within their homes through ongoing clinical and/or psychosocial rehabilitation support for their mental illness, including outreach services.

To be counted as a supported mental health housing place there must be a clear link between the housing place and the provision of clinical or psychosocial support by trained staff.

'Place' refers to number of supported places (beds) available for mental health consumers as at 30 June. It is not a count of consumers supported through the year or a count of physical residences.

Excludes residential mental health services defined as specialised mental health services.


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