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The result of oestrogen receptor assay at the time of diagnosis of the primary breast tumour, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Oestrogen receptor assay result code N ".
Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Positive
2 Negative
3 Equivocal
Supplementary Values 7 Unknown (test results not available)
8 Not applicable (test not done)


Guide for use:
Where the pathologist has stated the test result in the conclusion of the pathology report as being positive, negative or equivocal this value should be coded. If the report does not specifically state the test result, this should be interpreted from the reported % nuclei stained positive. If => 1% of nuclei are reported as stained regardless of stain intensity (weak, intermediate or high/strong) the result is positive. If % nuclei stained is <1% the result is negative. Definitions from NBOCC & ACN Pathology Reporting Guidelines.


Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia

Australian Cancer Network

Commission on Cancer American College of Surgeons


Hormone receptor status is an important prognostic indicator for breast cancer.

The Australian Cancer Network Working Party established to develop guidelines for the pathology reporting of breast cancer recommends that hormone receptor assays be performed on all cases of invasive breast carcinoma. The report should include

  • the percentage of nuclei staining positive and the predominant staining intensity (low, medium, high) and
  • a conclusion as to whether the assay is positive or negative.


Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia Manual of Use and Interpretation of Pathology Tests: Third Edition Sydney (2001)

Australian Cancer Network Working Party The pathology reporting of breast cancer. A guide for pathologists, surgeons and radiologists Second Edition Sydney (2001)

Commission on Cancer, Standards of the Commission on Cancer Registry Operations and Data Standards (ROADS) Volume II (1998)

This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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