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A code set describing a chest pain pattern.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Atypical chest pain
2 Stable chest pain pattern
3 Unstable chest pain pattern: rest &/or prolonged
4 Unstable chest pain pattern: new & severe
5 Unstable chest pain pattern: accelerated & severe
Supplementary Values 9 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

Chest pain or discomfort of myocardial ischaemic origin is usually described as pain, discomfort or pressure in the chest or the upper body (neck and throat, jaw, shoulders, back, either or both arms, wrists and hands) or other equivalent discomfort suggestive of cardiac ischaemia. Ask the person when the symptoms first occurred or obtain this information from appropriate documentation.

CODE 1 Atypical chest pain

Use this code for pain, pressure, or discomfort in the chest, or upper body not clearly exertional or not otherwise consistent with pain or discomfort of myocardial ischaemic origin.

CODE 2 Stable chest pain pattern

Use this code for chest pain without a change in frequency or pattern for the 6 weeks before this presentation or procedure. Chest pain is controlled by rest and/or sublingual/oral/transcutaneous medications.

CODE 3 Unstable chest pain pattern: rest and/or prolonged

Use this code for chest pain that occurred at rest and was prolonged, usually lasting for at least 10 minutes

CODE 4 Unstable chest pain pattern: new and severe

Use this code for new-onset chest pain that could be described as at least Canadian Cardiovascular Society (CCS) classification 3 severity.

CODE 5 Unstable chest pain pattern: accelerated and severe

Use this code for recent acceleration of chest pain pattern that could be described by an increase in severity of at least 1 CCS class to at least CCS class 3.


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Data Elements implementing this Value Domain 1