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A code set representing the process by which a medical indemnity claim was finalised.


Data Type Number
Format N[N]
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Settled through state or territory-based complaints processes
2 Settled through court-based alternative dispute resolution processes
3 Settled through statutorily mandated compulsory conference process
4 Settled—other
5 Court decision
8 Discontinued commenced claim
9 Discontinued potential claim
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Settled through state or territory-based complaints processes

'Settled through state or territory-based complaints processes' includes proceedings conducted in state or territory health rights and health complaints bodies.

CODE 2 Settled through court-based alternative dispute resolution processes

'Settled through court-based alternative dispute resolution processes' includes mediation, arbitration, and case appraisal provided for under civil procedure rules.

CODE 3 Settled through statutorily mandated compulsory conference process

'Settled through statutorily mandated compulsory conference process' includes settlement conferences required by statute as part of a pre-court process.

CODE 4 Settled—other

'Settled—other' includes instances where a medical indemnity claim is settled part way through a trial or a negotiated settlement.

CODE 8 Discontinued commenced claim

'Discontinued commenced claim' means the discontinued medical indemnity claim has already commenced and now has the status of 'Commenced—claim file closed'.

Discontinued medical indemnity claims include claims which have been closed due to withdrawal by the claimant, or operation of statute of limitations, or particularly with potential claims where the claim manager decides to close the claim file because there has been a long period of inactivity on the matter. Discontinued medical indemnity claims also include instances where a commenced claim is discontinued part way through a trial.

CODE 9 Discontinued potential claim

'Discontinued potential claim' means the discontinued medical indemnity claim has not yet commenced and now has the status of 'Not yet commenced—claim file closed'.

CODE 99 Not stated/inadequately described

'Not stated/inadequately described' should be used for medical indemnity claims that have not yet been closed or a structured settlement has not yet been agreed.

Code 5, 'Court decision', in this value domain maps to Code V, 'Case was settled by court judgement', in the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority National Claims and Policies Database 'Litigation status' data item (APRA 2006).


APRA (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority) 2006. Data Specifications National Claims and Policies Database document number 3.1. Canberra: APRA
This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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