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Grants made to non-government organisations for psychosocial support services, defined as services that work in partnership with the individual affected by a mental health issue and their carers to provide a range of support and skill development options addressing key issues in attainment of mental health and social competence goals.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Total Australian currency N[N(8)] ".
Data Type Currency
Format N[N(8)]
Maximum character length 9


Guide for use:

Where the exact dollar amount for recreation services is unable to be provided an estimate should be derived from available local information. Where data are unavailable on grant amounts for specific service types, the value of grants not allocatable to specific service types should be reported under other and unspecified services grants to non-government organisations.


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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 10
Inclusion in Data Distributions 0
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0