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A code set representing methods used to actively collect feedback.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Questionnaire - periodic face-to-face interview
2 Questionnaire - face-to-face interview on exit
3 Questionnaire - periodic telephone interview
4 Questionnaire - telephone interview on exit
5 Questionnaire - periodic written survey
6 Questionnaire - written survey on exit
7 Feedback focus group
8 Other
1 Questionnaire - periodic face-to-face interview
2 Questionnaire - face-to-face interview on exit
3 Questionnaire - periodic telephone interview
4 Questionnaire - telephone interview on exit
5 Questionnaire - periodic written survey
6 Questionnaire - written survey on exit
7 Feedback focus group
8 Other


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