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A code set representing the type of contractual arrangements for the provision of hospital care.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Contract type B
2 Contract type ABA
3 Contract type AB
4 Contract type (A)B
5 Contract type BA


Guide for use:

The contracting hospital (purchaser) is termed Hospital A. The contracted hospital (provider) is termed Hospital B.

CODE 1 Contract Type B

A health authority / other external purchaser contracts hospital B for admitted service which is funded outside the standard funding arrangements.

CODE 2 Contract Type ABA

Patient admitted by Hospital A. Hospital A contracts Hospital B for admitted or non-admitted patient service. Patient returns to Hospital A on completion of service by Hospital B.

For example, a patient has a hip replacement at Hospital A, then receives aftercare at Hospital B, under contract to Hospital A. Complications arise and the patient returns to Hospital A for the remainder of care.

CODE 3 Contract Type AB

Patient admitted by Hospital A. Hospital A contracts Hospital B for admitted or non-admitted patient service. Patient does not return to Hospital A on completion of service by Hospital B.
For example, a patient has a hip replacement at Hospital A and then receives aftercare at Hospital B, under contract to Hospital A. Patient is separated from Hospital B.

CODE 4 Contract Type (A)B

This contract type occurs where a Hospital A contracts Hospital B for the whole episode of care. The patient does not attend Hospital A. For example, a patient is admitted for endoscopy at Hospital B under contract to Hospital A.

CODE 5 Contract Type BA

Hospital A contracts Hospital B for an admitted patient service following which the patient moves to Hospital A for remainder of care. For example, a patient is admitted to Hospital B for a gastric resection procedure under contract to Hospital A and Hospital A provides after care.


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