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This item has been superseded by a newer version by one or more Registration Authorities.


Employment status of a health professional in a particular profession at the time of registration, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Labour force status of health professional code N{.N} ".
Data Type Number
Format N{.N}
Maximum character length 2
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 8 Not in the labour force for the profession: working overseas
1 Employed in the profession: working in/practising the reference profession - in reference State
2 Employed in the profession: working in/practising the reference profession - mainly in other State(s) but also in reference State
3 Employed in the profession: working in/practising the reference profession - mainly in reference State but also in other State(s)
4 Employed in the profession: working in/practising the reference profession - only in State(s) other than reference State
5.1 Employed elsewhere, looking for work in the profession: in paid work not in the field of profession but looking for paid work/practice in the profession - seeking either full-time or part-time work
5.2 Employed elsewhere, looking for work in the profession: in paid work not in the field of profession but looking for paid work/practice in the profession - seeking full-time work
5.3 Employed elsewhere, looking for work in the profession: in paid work not in the field of profession but looking for paid work/practice in the profession - seeking part-time work
5.9 Employed elsewhere, looking for work in the profession: in paid work not in the field of profession but looking for paid work/practice in the profession - seeking work (not stated)
6.1 Unemployed, looking for work in the profession: not in paid work but looking for work in the field of profession - seeking either full-time or part-time work
6.2 Unemployed, looking for work in the profession: not in paid work but looking for work in the field of profession - seeking full-time work
6.3 Unemployed, looking for work in the profession: not in paid work but looking for work in the field of profession - seeking part-time work
6.9 Unemployed, looking for work in the profession: not in paid work but looking for work in the field of profession - seeking work (not stated)
7 Not in the labour force for the profession: not in work/practice in the profession and not looking for work/practice in the profession
Supplementary Values 9 Unknown/not stated


Guide for use:

Employment in a particular health profession is defined by practice of that profession or work that is principally concerned with the discipline of the profession (for example, research in the field of the profession, administration of the profession, teaching of the profession or health promotion through public dissemination of the professional knowledge of the profession).

The term 'employed in the profession' equates to persons who have a job in Australia in the field of the reference profession.

A person who is normally employed in the profession but is on leave at the time of the annual survey is defined as being employed.

A health professional who is not employed but is eligible to work in, and is seeking employment in the profession, is defined as unemployed in the profession.

A health professional looking for work in the profession, and not currently employed in the profession, may be either unemployed or employed in an occupation other than the profession.

A registered health professional who is not employed in the profession, nor is looking for work in the profession, is defined as not in the labour force for the profession.

Registered health professionals not in the labour force for the profession may be either not employed and not looking for work, or employed in another occupation and not looking for work in the profession.


The definitions of employed and unemployed in this metadata item differ from Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) definitions for these categories defined in LFA2 'Employed persons', LFA8 'Labour force status', LFA9 'Looking for full-time work', LFA10 'Looking for part-time work', LFA12 'Not in the labour force', LFA13 'Status in employment', and LFA14 'Unemployed persons'.

The main differences are:

  • The National Health Labour Force Collection includes persons other than clinicians working in the profession as persons employed in the profession. The ABS uses the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations where, in general, classes for health occupations do not cover non-clinicians. The main exception to this is nursing where, because of the size of the profession, there are classes for nursing administrators and educators.
  • The labour force collection includes health professionals working in the Defence Forces; ABS does not, with the exception of the population census.
  • ABS uses a tightly defined reference period for employment and unemployment; the labour force collection reference period is self-defined by the respondent as his/her usual status at the time of completion of the survey questionnaire.
  • The labour force collection includes, among persons looking for work in the profession, those persons who are registered health professionals but employed in another occupation and looking for work in the profession; ABS does not.
  • The labour force collection includes in the category not in the labour force health professionals registered in Australia but working overseas; such persons are excluded from the scope of ABS censuses and surveys.


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Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 3
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