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The total number of cigarettes (manufactured or roll-your-own) smoked per day by a person.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Total cigarettes N[N] ".
Data Type Number
Format N[N]
Maximum character length 2
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

This metadata item is relevant only for persons who currently smoke cigarettes daily or at least weekly. Daily consumption should be reported, rather than weekly consumption. Weekly consumption is converted to daily consumption by dividing by 7 and rounding to the nearest whole number.

Quantities greater than 98 (extremely rare) should be recorded as 98.


Public health and health care


The number of cigarettes smoked is an important measure of the magnitude of the tobacco problem for an individual.

Research shows that of Australians who smoke, the overwhelming majority smoke cigarettes (manufactured or roll-your-own) rather than other tobacco products.

From a public health point of view, consumption level is relevant only for regular smokers (those who smoke daily or at least weekly).

Data on quantity smoked can be used to:

  • evaluate health promotion and disease prevention programs
    (assessment of interventions)
  • monitor health risk factors and progress towards National Health
    Goals and Targets
  • ascertain determinants and consequences of smoking
  • assess a person's exposure to tobacco smoke.

Where this information is collected by survey and the sample permits, population estimates should be presented by sex and 5-year age groups. Summary statistics may need to be adjusted for age and other relevant variables.

It is recommended that in surveys of smoking, data on age, sex and other socio-demographic variables should be collected. It is also recommended that when smoking is investigated in relation to health, data on other risk factors including pregnancy status, physical activity, overweight and obesity, and alcohol consumption should be collected.


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Relation Count
Input in Derivations 0
Output in Derivations 0
Inclusion in Data Set Specifications 6
Inclusion in Data Distributions 0
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0