Payments in Australian dollars made by or on behalf of the establishment in respect of borrowings (e.g. interest on bank overdraft) provided the establishment is permitted to borrow, for a financial year.
Data Element (this item)
Data Element ConceptEstablishment—recurrent expenditure (interest payments)
Object ClassEstablishment
PropertyRecurrent expenditure
Value DomainTotal Australian currency N[N(8)]
This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Total Australian currency N[N(8)] ".Data Type | Currency |
Format | N[N(8)] |
Maximum character length | 9 |
Guide for use:
Record values up to hundreds of millions of dollars. Rounded to nearest whole dollar.
National Health Data Committee
The item would not have been retained if the data set was restricted to the public sector. In some States, public hospitals may not be permitted to borrow funds or it may be entirely a State treasury matter, not identifiable by the health authority. Even where public sector establishment borrowings might be identified, this appears to be a sensitive area and also of less overall significance than in the private sector.