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Showing only items where Registration status is Standard and Registration authority is Health.

Showing 141 - 160 of 188 results.

  1. Person with acute coronary syndrome—acute coronary syndrome related clinical event date, DDMMYYYY (Data Element)

    The date a person experienced an acute coronary syndrome related clinical event.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  2. Person with acute coronary syndrome—acute coronary syndrome related clinical event time, hhmm (Data Element)

    The time a person experienced an acute coronary syndrome related clinical event.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  3. Elective surgery waiting list episode—clinical urgency, code N (Data Element)

    A clinical assessment of the urgency with which a patient requires elective hospital care, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  4. Episode of care—funding eligibility indicator (Department of Veterans' Affairs), code N (Data Element)

    Whether an eligible person's charges for this hospital admission are met by the Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), as represented...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  5. Establishment—ward/clinical area name, text X[X(39)] (Data Element)

    The organisational unit or organisational arrangement dedicated to the treatment and care of admitted patients in a healthcare setting, as...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  6. Person—intravenous fibrinolytic therapy time, hhmm (Data Element)

    The time intravenous (IV) fibrinolytic therapy was first administered to a person.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  7. Episode of admitted patient care (mental health care)—referral destination, code N (Data Element)

    The type of further health service care to which a person is referred from mental health, as represented by a...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  8. Health service event—presentation time, hhmm (Data Element)

    The time at which the patient presents for the delivery of a service.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  9. Health service event—presentation date, DDMMYYYY (Data Element)

    The date on which the patient/client presents for the delivery of a service.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  10. Health-care incident—principal clinician specialty involved in health-care incident, clinical specialties code N[N] (Data Element)

    The clinical specialty of the health-care provider who played the most prominent role in the health-care incident, as represented by...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  11. Health-care incident—additional clinician specialty involved in health-care incident, clinical specialties code N[N] (Data Element)

    The clinical specialty of the health-care provider(s) who played a role in the health-care incident that gave rise to a...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  12. Registered health professional—work setting, nurse code ANN (Data Element)

    The type of health service setting or other organisation arrangement in which the health care was delivered by the nursing...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  13. Episode of admitted patient care—patient election status, code N (Data Element)

    Accommodation chargeable status elected by a patient on admission, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  14. Patient—relationship to health-care service provider, code N (Data Element)

    The relationship of the patient to the health-care service provider, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  15. Elective surgery waiting list episode—patient listing status, readiness for care code N (Data Element)

    An indicator of the person's readiness to begin the process leading directly to being admitted to hospital for the awaited...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  16. Establishment—number of individual session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (community health services), total N[NNNNNN] (Data Element)

    The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as individual sessions to non-admitted patients in...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  17. Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (alcohol and drug), total N[NNNNN] (Data Element)

    The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group session to non-admitted patients in...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  18. Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (allied health services), total N[NNNNN] (Data Element)

    The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  19. Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (pathology), total N[NNNNN] (Data Element)

    The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  20. Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (radiology and organ imaging), total N[NNNNN] (Data Element)

    A count of groups of patients/clients receiving radiology and organ imaging services in a health service establishment.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
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