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Showing only items where Item type is Data element concepts; Registration status is Standard and Registration authority is ISO/IEC, User Guide Standards Committee or Health.

Showing 11 results.

  1. Person—diabetes therapy type (Data Element Concept)

    The type of diabetes therapy the person is currently receiving.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  2. Person—diabetes mellitus status (Data Element Concept)

    Identifies a person with or at risk of diabetes.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  3. Female—type of diabetes mellitus during pregnancy (Data Element Concept)

    The type of diabetes mellitus a female has during pregnancy, based on a current or previous diagnosis.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  4. Female—diabetes mellitus during pregnancy indicator (Data Element Concept)

    An indicator of whether a female has diabetes mellitus during pregnancy, based on a current or previous diagnosis.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  5. Female—type of diabetes mellitus therapy during pregnancy (Data Element Concept)

    The type of diabetes mellitus treatment which a female is prescribed during pregnancy.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  6. Person—health professionals attended for diabetes mellitus (Data Element Concept)

    The health professionals that a person has attended in relation to issues arising from diabetes mellitus.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  7. Patient—initial visit since diagnosis indicator (diabetes mellitus) (Data Element Concept)

    Whether this is the initial visit of the patient to a health professional for diabetes or a related condition after...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  8. Person—referral to ophthalmologist indicator (Data Element Concept)

    Whether the individual was referred to an ophthalmologist.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  9. Person—blindness (Data Element Concept)

    Whether the individual has become legally blind in either or both eyes.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  10. Person—end-stage renal disease status (Data Element Concept)

    Whether an individual has end-stage renal disease, and has required dialysis or has undergone a kidney transplant.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  11. Adult—body mass index (Data Element Concept)

    Weight (body mass) relative to height used to assess the extent of weight deficit or excess in adults.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
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