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Showing only items where Item type is Data elements; Registration status is Superseded and Registration authority is Health.

Showing 21 - 29 of 29 results.

  1. Person with cancer—number of regional lymph nodes examined, total code N[N] (Data Element)

    The total number of a person's regional lymph nodes examined by the pathologist.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
  2. Person with cancer—distant metastasis status, M stage (UICC TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours 5th ed) code XX (Data Element)

    Absence or presence of distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis of the primary cancer, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
  3. Person with cancer—distant metastasis status, M stage (UICC TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 6th edn) code XX (Data Element)

    Absence or presence of distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis of the primary cancer, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
  4. Person with cancer—regional lymph node metastasis status, N stage (UICC TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours 5th ed) code XX (Data Element)

    Extent of regional lymph node metastasis at the time of diagnosis of the primary cancer, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
  5. Person with cancer—primary tumour status, T stage (UICC TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours 5th ed) code XX[X] (Data Element)

    Extent of primary cancer including tumour size, at the time of diagnosis, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
  6. Person with cancer—regional lymph node metastasis status, N stage (UICC TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 6th ed) code XX (Data Element)

    Extent of regional lymph node metastasis at the time of diagnosis of the primary cancer, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
  7. Person with cancer—primary tumour status, T stage (UICC TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours, 6th ed) code XX[X] (Data Element)

    Extent of primary cancer including tumour size, at the time of diagnosis, as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
  8. Person—GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721) indicator, yes/no code N (Data Element)

    An indicator of whether a person has received a GP Management Plan (MBS Item 721), as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
  9. Person—Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723) indicator, yes/no code N (Data Element)

    An indicator of whether a person has received a Team Care Arrangement (MBS Item 723), as represented by a code.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Superseded]
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