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Showing only items where Item type is Data element concepts and Registration authority is Health.

Showing 21 - 40 of 61 results.

  1. Person with cancer—lymphovascular invasion type (Data Element Concept)

    Describes the type of invasion of cancer cells into the blood vessels and/or lymphatic system in a person with cancer.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  2. Person with cancer—lymphovascular invasion indicator (Data Element Concept)

    An indicator of whether there is evidence of the invasion of cancer cells into blood vessels and/or the lymphatic system...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  3. Person with cancer—location of lymphovascular invasion (Data Element Concept)

    The location of cancer cells invasion into the blood vessels and/or lymphatic system in a person with cancer.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  4. Person with cancer—distant metastatic site(s) at diagnosis (Data Element Concept)

    The anatomical position (topography) of the secondary or distant metastatic site(s) identified in the person with cancer at the time...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  5. Person with cancer—referral to palliative care services indicator (Data Element Concept)

    An indicator of whether a person with cancer has been referred to palliative care services as part of their cancer...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  6. Person with cancer—primary tumour status (Data Element Concept)

    The size and extent of the primary tumour in a person with cancer.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  7. Person with cancer—distant metastasis status (Data Element Concept)

    The absence or presence of distant metastasis in a person with cancer.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  8. Person with cancer—perineural invasion indicator (Data Element Concept)

    An indicator of whether perineural invasion is evident in a pathology specimen of the person with cancer.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  9. Person with cancer—histopathological grade (Data Element Concept)

    The histopathological grade, differentiation or phenotype describes how little the tumour resembles the normal tissue from which it arose.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  10. Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours descriptor (Data Element Concept)

    Whether the multiple primary tumours in the person with cancer are synchronous or metachronous.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  11. Person with cancer—date of referral to palliative care services (Data Element Concept)

    The date on which a person with cancer was referred to palliative care services.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  12. Person with cancer—tumour outside primary site indicator (Data Element Concept)

    An indicator of whether there is macroscopic evidence of a tumour outside of the primary site of cancer in a...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  13. Person with cancer—solid tumour size (Data Element Concept)

    The largest dimension of a solid tumour.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  14. Person with cancer—basis of diagnostic investigation (Data Element Concept)

    The basis of diagnostic investigation of a person with cancer at the time of first presentation.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  15. Person with cancer—second-line treatment intention (Data Element Concept)

    The intended outcome of second-line treatment administered to a person with cancer.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  16. Person with cancer—clinical trial identifier (Data Element Concept)

    The scientific/public title and/or registration number of the clinical trial(s) in which the person with cancer is enrolled.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  17. Person with cancer—referral to psychosocial services indicator (Data Element Concept)

    An indicator of whether a person with cancer has been referred to psychosocial services as part of their cancer treatment...

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  18. Person with cancer—molecular pathology indicator (Data Element Concept)

    An indicator of whether molecular pathology testing was performed to characterise a person's cancer.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  19. Person with cancer—multiple primary tumours indicator (Data Element Concept)

    An indicator of whether a person with cancer has multiple primary tumours.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
  20. Person with cancer—oestrogen receptor assay result (Data Element Concept)

    The results of oestrogen receptor assay at the time of diagnosis of the primary breast tumour.

    Created: Last updated:
    [Health: Standard]
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