Registered from
Registered until
Number of day centre attendances
A count of the number of patient/client visits to a day centre.
March 1, 2005
Number of days of hospital-in-the-home care
A count of the days of hospital-in-the-home care received.
March 1, 2005
Number of episodes of admitted care
A count of episodes of admitted care within the reference period, including separations and open episodes.
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of episodes of residential care
The total number of episodes of completed residential care. This includes both formal and statistical episodes of residential care.
Dec. 8, 2004
Number of episodes with seclusion
A count of episodes with seclusion within the reference period.
Seclusion is the confinement of the consumer/patient at any time of...
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of group session non-admitted patient service events
A count of non-admitted patient service events provided as a group session.
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients.
A count of the non-admitted occasions of service provided as a group session.
March 1, 2005
Number of group sessions
A count of groups of patients/clients receiving services.
March 1, 2005
Number of hospital transfers
A count of transfers from an establishment to a hospital that is located in the community.
Aug. 25, 2011
Number of hours staffed
The average number of hours per day that appropriately trained staff are employed on-site.
Dec. 8, 2004
Number of individual session non-admitted patient service events
A count of non-admitted patient service events provided as an individual session.
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of individual session occasions of service for non-admitted patients
A count of the non-admitted occasions of service provided as an individual session.
March 1, 2005
Number of leave days
A count of the number of days spent on leave from a health care service.
March 1, 2005
Number of leave periods
A count of discrete periods of formal absence during an episode of care.
March 1, 2005
Number of non-admitted patient service events
A count of service events provided to non-admitted patients.
March 1, 2005
Number of occasions of service
A count of the occasions of service provided.
March 1, 2005
Number of online chat sessions conducted with clients
A count of online chat sessions conducted with clients.Online chat sessions are any kind of communication over the Internet that...
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of patient days
A count of days of patient care.
March 1, 2005
Number of patient episodes of healthcare associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia
A count of patient episodes of healthcare associated Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) occurring during a specified reference period.
Nov. 15, 2012
Number of positive regional lymph nodes
The total number of regional lymph nodes examined by a pathologist and reported as containing tumour. A regional lymph node...
June 4, 2004
Number of positive sentinel lymph nodes
The total number of sentinel lymph nodes examined by a pathologist and reported as containing tumour. Sentinel lymph nodes are...
March 6, 2009
Number of pregnant prisoners
A count of women prisoners carrying a developing fetus, normally in the uterus, anytime over a specified 12 month period.
Aug. 25, 2011
Number of previous caesarean sections
A count of the number of previous caesarean sections.
Nov. 29, 2006
Number of previous pregnancies
A count of previous pregnancies.
March 1, 2005
Number of prison entrants
A count of persons entering prison.
Aug. 25, 2011
Number of prisoners released
A count of the persons, held in prison, who have been released.
Aug. 25, 2011
Number of psychiatric care days
A count of days of in which specialised psychiatric care was received.
March 1, 2005
Number of psychiatric outpatient clinic/day program attendances
A count of the days on which a psychiatric outpatient clinic or a day program was attended.
March 1, 2005
Number of qualified days
A count of the days within an episode of admitted patient care that are designated as having a newborn qualification...
March 1, 2005
Number of regional lymph nodes examined
A count of the number of regional lymph nodes, which drain lymph from the region around the tumour, examined by...
Dec. 7, 2011
Number of registered users
A count of people who meet the registration requirements of a particular program.
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of restraint events
A count of the number of restraint events occurring within the reference period.
Restraint is the restriction of an individual's freedom...
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of schools participating in a program
A count of schools taking part in a program.
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of seclusion events
A count of seclusion events occurring within the reference period.
Seclusion is the confinement of the consumer/patient at any time of...
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of sentinel lymph nodes examined
The total number of sentinel lymph nodes examined by the pathologist. A sentinel lymph node is the first lymph node...
March 6, 2009
Number of separations
A count of separations.
March 1, 2005
Number of service contact dates
A count of the dates on which there is a service contact.
March 1, 2005
Number of service contacts
The number of service contacts provided to individual patients or clients by a service provider.
Dec. 7, 2011
Number of service contacts
A count of service contacts between a service recipient and a service provider.
March 1, 2005
Number of service contacts provided to clients by an ambulatory mental health care service
The number of service contacts provided to individual patients or clients by an ambulatory mental health care service.
Feb. 7, 2013
Number of service operation days
A count of days during a specified period that a service provider is open to provide services.
Dec. 7, 2011
Number of service operation hours
A count of hours during a specified period a service provider is open to provide services.
Dec. 7, 2011
Number of service operation weeks
A count of the number of weeks during a specified period that a service provider is open to provide services.
Dec. 7, 2011
Number of service provision telephone calls
A count of telephone calls in which direct service activities were delivered.
Nov. 13, 2014
Number of times in prison or juvenile detention
A count of the number of times a person has been detained in a prison and/or in a juvenile detention...
Aug. 25, 2011
Number of tobacco cigarettes N[NN]
Value Domain
The number of tobacco cigarettes usually smoked daily.
Dec. 3, 2008
Number of vaccine doses administered
A count of doses of vaccines administered.
Aug. 25, 2011
Number of visits to a website
A count of visits to a website.
A website visit is a series of page requests from a uniquely identified user...
Nov. 13, 2014
Nursing diagnosis
The nursing diagnosis most related to the reason for admission.
March 1, 2005
Nursing diagnosis code (NANDA 1997-98) N.N[{.N}{.N}{.N}{.N}]
Value Domain
The NANDA (1997-98) code set representing nursing diagnoses.
March 1, 2005