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Health (active)

Data dictionary

Data dictionary for Aristotle Demo Organisation/Health (Registration Authority) showing concepts registered as Standard on .

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Name Definition Registered from Registered until
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (major medical equipment) Data Element Concept Gross capital expenditure on major medical equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (major medical equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on major medical equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (other capital expenditure) Data Element Concept Other gross capital expenditure. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (other capital expenditure) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Other gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, which are not included elsewhere. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (plant and other equipment) Data Element Concept Gross capital expenditure on plant and other equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (plant and other equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on plant and other equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment industry code NN Value Domain A code set representing type of establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—Local Hospital Network identifier Data Element Concept A unique Local Hospital Network (LHN) identifier for an establishment within a jurisdiction. March 7, 2014 --
Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (non-salary operating costs) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Total expenditure by a mental health establishment relating to non-salary operating items. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment (mental health)—recurrent expenditure (total salaries and wages) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Total salary and wage payments to all staff of a mental health establishment, for a financial year. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (buildings and building services) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on buildings and building services (including plant). March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (buildings and building services) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on buildings and building services (including plant). March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (constructions) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on constructions (other than buildings). March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (constructions) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on constructions (other than buildings). March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (equipment) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (information technology) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on information technology. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (information technology) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on information technology. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (intangible assets) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on intangible assets. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (intangible assets) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on intangible assets. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (land) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on land. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (land) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on land. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (major medical equipment) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on major medical equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (major medical equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on major medical equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (other equipment) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on other equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (other equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on other equipment, such as furniture, art objects, professional instruments and containers. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (transport) Data Element Concept Net capital expenditure on transport. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—net capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (transport) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Net capital expenditure measured in Australian dollars on transport. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients Data Element Concept The number of non-admitted group session occasions of service provided by an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (alcohol and drug), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group session to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (allied health services), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (community health services), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (dental), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group session to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (dialysis), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (district nursing services), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients by... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (emergency services), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (endoscopy and related procedures), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (mental health), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (other medical/surgical/diagnostic), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (other outreach services), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients as... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (pathology), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (pharmacy), total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as group sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (radiology and organ imaging), total N[NNNNN] Data Element A count of groups of patients/clients receiving radiology and organ imaging services in a health service establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of group sessions Data Element Concept The number of groups of patients receiving services. Each group is to be counted once, irrespective of the size of... July 4, 2007 --
Establishment—number of group sessions, total N[NNNNN] Data Element The total number of groups of patients receiving services. Each group is to be counted once, irrespective of the size... July 4, 2007 --
Establishment—number of individual session occasions of service for non-admitted patients Data Element Concept The number of non-admitted occasions of service for those treated as individual patients provided by an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of individual session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (alcohol and drug), total N[NNNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as individual sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of individual session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (allied health services), total N[NNNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as individual sessions to non-admitted patients by... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of individual session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (community health services), total N[NNNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as individual sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—number of individual session occasions of service for non-admitted patients (dental), total N[NNNNNN] Data Element The total number of occasions of examination, consultation, treatment or other services provided as individual sessions to non-admitted patients in... March 1, 2005 --