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Health (active)

Data dictionary

Data dictionary for Aristotle Demo Organisation/Health (Registration Authority) showing concepts registered as Standard on .

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Name Definition Registered from Registered until
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (occupational therapists) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all occupational therapists within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (occupational therapists), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all occupational therapists within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other diagnostic and health professionals) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other diagnostic and health professionals within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other diagnostic and health professionals), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other diagnostic and health professionals within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other medical officers) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other medical officers within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other medical officers), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other medical officers within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other personal care staff) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other personal care staff within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (other personal care staff), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all other personal care staff within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (psychiatry registrars and trainees) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all psychiatry registrars and trainees within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (psychiatry registrars and trainees), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all psychiatry registrars and trainees within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (psychologists) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all psychologists within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (psychologists), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all psychologists within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (registered nurses) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all registered nurses within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (registered nurses), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all registered nurses within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (salaried medical officers) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all salaried medical officers within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (salaried medical officers), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all salaried medical officers within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (social workers) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all social workers within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (social workers), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all social workers within an establishment. Dec. 8, 2004 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (student nurses) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all student nurses within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (student nurses), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all student nurses within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (trainee/pupil nurses) Data Element Concept The aggregate full-time equivalent staff units paid for all trainee/pupil nurses within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—full-time equivalent staff (paid) (trainee/pupil nurses), average N[NNN{.N}] Data Element The average number of full-time equivalent staff units paid for all trainee/pupil nurses within an establishment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—geographical location, code (ASGC 2011) NNNNN Data Element The geographical location of the main administrative centre of an establishment, as represented by a code. Dec. 7, 2011 --
Establishment—geographic location Data Element Concept Geographical location of the establishment. For establishments with more than one geographical location, the location is defined as that of... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—geographic remoteness Data Element Concept The remoteness of an establishment, based on the physical road distance to the nearest urban centre and its population size. Dec. 7, 2011 --
Establishment—geographic remoteness, admitted patient care remoteness classification (ASGC-RA) N Data Element The remoteness of an establishment providing admitted patient care, based on the physical road distance to the nearest urban centre... Dec. 7, 2011 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (buildings and building services) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of buildings and building services (including plant). March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (buildings and building services) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of buildings and building services (including plant). March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (constructions) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of constructions (other than buildings). March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (constructions) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of constructions (other than buildings). March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (equipment) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (information technology) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of information technology. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (information technology) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of information technology. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (intangible assets) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of intangible assets. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (intangible assets) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of intangible assets. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (land) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of land. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (land) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of land. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (major medical equipment) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of major medical equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (major medical equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of major medical equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (other equipment) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of other equipment. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (other equipment) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of other equipment, such as furniture, art... March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (transport) Data Element Concept Expenditure in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of transport. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (accrual accounting) (transport) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in a period on the acquisition or enhancement of transport. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (computer equipment/installations) Data Element Concept Gross capital expenditure on computer equipment/installations. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (computer equipment/installations) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on computer equipment/installations. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (intangible assets) Data Element Concept Gross capital expenditure in relation to intangible assets. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (intangible assets) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, in relation to intangible assets. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (land and buildings) Data Element Concept Gross capital expenditure on land and buildings. March 1, 2005 --
Establishment—gross capital expenditure (land and buildings) (financial year), total Australian currency N[N(8)] Data Element Gross capital expenditure, measured in Australian dollars, on land and buildings. March 1, 2005 --