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The data elements in the Mental health restraint events cluster are used in conjunction with each other to describe the restraint events experienced by mental health consumers during admission to specialised mental health public acute hospital units. They are collected together and reported as the number of restraint events occurring during the collection period against each reported type of restraint.

Metadata items in this Data Set Specification

Below is a list of all the components within this Dataset Specification.
Each entry includes the item name, whether the item is optional, mandatory or conditional and the maximum times the item can occur in a dataset.
If the items must occur in a particular order in the dataset, the sequence number is included before the item name.


Guide for use:

The Mental health restraint events cluster comprises two data elements that, in combination, describe the number of mechanical, physical and unspecified mechanical or physical restraint events experienced by mental health consumers during the collection period.

This is achieved by the combination of the two data elements: Specialised mental health service—type of restraint event, code N and Specialised mental health service—number of restraint events, number NNNN.

The Mental health restraint events cluster describes the following information:

Restraint type Number
Mechanical restraint NNNN
Physical restraint NNNN
Unspecified mechanical or physical restraint NNNN

The reporting approach differs depending on whether the number of restraint events can be disaggregated by type of restraint:

  • Data providers capable of disaggregating mechanical from physical restraint events should report figures for those categories and enter the supplementary code ('Not applicable', Code 9999) for the unspecified category. If one type of restraint is not employed by a service during the reference period, report 0 for that specific category.
  • Data providers unable to disaggregate mechanical from physical restraint events should report a combined figure for unspecified mechanical or physical restraint, and enter the supplementary code ('Not applicable', Code 9999) for the specific categories.


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Relation Count
As a numerator in an Indicator 0
As a denominator in an Indicator 0
As a disaggregation in an Indicator 0