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This table shows items related to the item Number.
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Showing 221 - 240 of 734 results.
Name Details Statuses
Erectile dysfunction code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the presence of erection dysfunction and its development in the last 12 months.
  • Health: Standard on
Estimate code N
Value Domain
A code set representing whether a unit of data was estimated or not.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Estimated date flag code N
Value Domain
A code set representing whether any component of a reported date was estimated.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Extended leave status code N
Value Domain
The codeset describing whether a person is on extended leave from their employment.
  • Health: Standard on
Extended wait patient indicator code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the extended waiting status of a patient.
  • Health: Standard on
Extent of activity limitation disability flag code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the extent of activity limitation or participation restriction in a life area for the disability flag.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Extent of harm from a health-care incident code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing the extent of harm from a health-care incident.
  • Health: Standard on
Extra surveillance code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the need for additional attention and/or planned intervention.
  • Health: Standard on
Family composition code N[NNN]
Value Domain
A code set representing the composition of families within households.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Family history code N
Value Domain
A code set representing family history for a given disease or condition.
  • Health: Standard on
Family type code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the family types.
  • Community Services: Superseded on
Fasting status code N
Value Domain
A code set representing fasting status.
  • Health: Standard on
Feedback collection method code N
Value Domain
A code set representing methods used to actively collect feedback.
  • Health: Standard on
Feedback collection method code N[N]
Value Domain
A code set representing methods used to actively collect feedback.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Fibrinolytic drug administered code N
Value Domain
A code set representing the type of fibrinolytic drug therapy administered.
  • Health: Standard on
Fibrinolytic therapy status code NN
Value Domain
A code set representing whether or not fibrinolytic therapy is administered and the reason for not administering the therapy.
  • Health: Standard on
Field of education code (ASCED 2001) NN[{NN}{NN}]
Value Domain
The ASCED (2001) code set representing the subject matter of an educational activity.
  • Community Services: Standard on
First care and protection order indicator code N
Value Domain
A code representing whether a child has previously received a care and protection order.
  • Community Services: Standard on
Foot deformity status code N
Value Domain
A code set representing whether a deformity is present on either foot.
  • Health: Standard on
Foot ulcer history code N
Value Domain
A code set representing whether or not person has a previous history of ulceration on either foot.
  • Health: Standard on