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A code set representing the onset of a diagnosed condition relative to the beginning of the episode of care.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Condition with onset during the episode of admitted patient care
2 Condition not noted as arising during the episode of admitted patient care
Supplementary Values 9 Not reported


Guide for use:

COF 1 Condition with onset during the episode of admitted patient care

  • a condition which arises during the episode of admitted patient care and would not have been present or suspected on admission.


  • A condition resulting from misadventure during surgical or medical care in the current episode of admitted patient care (e.g. accidental laceration during procedure, foreign body left in cavity, medication infusion error).
  • An abnormal reaction to, or later complication of, surgical or medical care arising during the current episode of admitted patient care (e.g. postprocedural shock, disruption of wound, catheter associated urinary tract infection (UTI)).
  • A condition newly arising during the episode of admitted patient care (e.g. pneumonia, rash, confusion, UTI, hypotension, electrolyte imbalance).
  • A condition impacting on obstetric care arising after admission, including complications or unsuccessful interventions of labour and delivery or prenatal/postpartum management (e.g. labour and delivery complicated by fetal heart rate anomalies, postpartum haemorrhage).
  • For neonates, this also includes the condition(s) in the birth episode arising during the birth event (i.e. the labour and delivery process) (e.g. respiratory distress, jaundice, feeding problems, neonatal aspiration, conditions associated with birth trauma, newborn affected by delivery or intrauterine procedures).
  • Disease status or administrative codes arising during the episode of admitted patient care (e.g. cancelled procedure, multi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)).

COF 2 Condition not noted as arising during the episode of admitted patient care

  • a condition previously existing or suspected on admission such as the presenting problem, a comorbidity or chronic disease.


  • A condition that has not been documented at the time of admission, but clearly did not develop after admission (e.g. newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus, malignancy and morphology).
  • A previously existing condition that is exacerbated during the current episode of admitted patient care (e.g. atrial fibrillation, unstable angina).
  • A condition that is suspected at the time of admission and subsequently confirmed during the current episode of admitted patient care (e.g. pneumonia, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), stroke, unstable angina).
  • A condition impacting on obstetric care arising prior to admission (e.g. venous complications, maternal disproportion).
  • For neonates, this also includes the condition(s) in the birth episode arising before the labour and delivery process (e.g. prematurity, birth weight, talipes, clicking hip).
  • Disease status or administrative codes not arising during the episode of admitted patient care (e.g. history of tobacco use, duration of pregnancy, colostomy status).
  • Outcome of delivery (Z37) and place of birth (Z38) codes.

COF 9 Not reported

The condition onset flag could not be reported due to limitations of the data management system.


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