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The total time in minutes from the start to finish of a mental health service contact.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Total minutes NNN ".
Data Type Number
Format NNN
Maximum character length 3


Guide for use:

For group sessions the time for the patient/client in the session is recorded for each patient/client, regardless of the number of patients/clients or third parties participating or the number of service providers providing the service.

Writing up details of service contacts is not to be reported as part of the duration, except if during or contiguous with the period of patient/client or third party participation.

Travel to or from the location at which the service is provided, for example to or from outreach facilities or private homes, is not to be reported as part of the duration of the service contact.

Counting the duration for each patient/client in a group session means that this data element cannot be used to measure the duration of service contacts from the perspective of the service provider.


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