- Data Element ConceptEpisode of admitted patient care—clinical assessment score
- Object ClassEpisode of admitted patient care
- PropertyClinical assessment score
- Value DomainNone
Guide for use:
This data element is required to be recorded for all sub-acute and non-acute care type episodes when reporting to the Activity based funding: Admitted sub-acute and non-acute DSS. Note sub-acute and non-acute care is defined using care type and includes palliative care, rehabilitation care, psychogeriatric care, geriatric evaluation and management and maintenance care.
The FIM cognitive scale (FIMCOG) score and FIM motor scale (FIMMOT) score are required to be recorded for all rehabilitation and geriatric evaluation and management (GEM) care type episodes.
The FIM cognitive scale (FIMCOG) score must be a value between 5 and 35.
The FIM motor scale (FIMMOT) score must be a value between 13 and 91.
The HoNOS overactive/aggressive/disruptive behaviour score (HONBEH), plus either the HoNOS problems with activities of daily living score (HONADL) or total score (HONTOT) are required to be recorded for all psycho geriatric care type episodes. All Health of the Nation Outcomes Scales for elderly people (HoNOS65+) can also be used for this data element.
The HoNOS activities of daily living (HONADL) score must be a value between 0 and 4.
The HoNOS overactive, aggressive, disruptive behaviour (HONBEH) score must be a value between 0 and 4.
The HoNOS total (HONTOT) score must be a value between 0 and 48.
The RUG-ADL total score (RUGTOT) is required to be recorded for all palliative care type episodes, at the commencement of the episode of care and the commencement of every subsequent phase thereafter in the same episode.
The RUG-ADL total score (RUGTOT) is also required to be recorded for all maintenance care type episodes.
The RUG-ADL total (RUGTOT) score must be a value between 4 and 18.
Fries BE, Schneider DP et al (1994). Refining a casemix measure for nursing homes. Resource Utilisation Groups (RUG-III). Medical Care, 32, 668-685.
Copyright in the Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) is owned by the Royal College of Psychiatrists. Health of the Nation Outcome Scales (HoNOS) © Royal College of Psychiatrists 1996.
FIM™ is a trademark of the Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation, a division of UB Foundation Activities Incorporated. Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre holds the territory license for the use of the FIM™ instrument in Australia.
Uniform Data System for Medical Rehabilitation. 2009. The FIM System® Clinical Guide, Version 5.2. Buffalo: UDSMR.
What is the FIM™ Instrument? Australasian Rehabilitation Outcomes Centre, University of Wollongong. Viewed 19 September 2012,
The Royal College of Psychiatrists. 1996. HoNOS 65+ (Older Adults). The Royal College of Psychiatrists, London. Viewed 19 September 2012,
Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration Assessment Toolkit. Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration , University of Wollongong, Wollongong. Viewed 19 September 2012,
This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.