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An alphanumeric identifier, assigned by an organisation, establishment or agency, used to uniquely identify an entity, as represented by text.


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:

Any interchange of identifier designations shall be performed in accordance with privacy guidelines and legislation defined in the Interchange of Client Information, Appendix G , Privacy principles:

"The Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) is the principal piece of legislation providing protection of personal information in the federal public sector and in the private sector. The Privacy Act provides eleven Information Privacy Principles (IPPs) for the federal public sector and ten National Privacy Principles (NPPs) for private sector organisations. ‘Organisation’ is defined broadly to include a body corporate, an unincorporated association, a partnership, a trust or an individual."

The possible values are not standardised or codified, as the data is dependent on the issuer and type of identifier.


  • A business's Australian business number (ABN): 85 087 326 690
  • An individual's Medicare card number (MCN): 2345 56789 8

Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia.


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