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A series of one or more radiotherapy treatments prescribed by a radiation oncologist.



A course of radiotherapy treatment should have an associated ready-for-care date and, when treatment starts, a radiotherapy start date.

A patient can receive more than one course of radiotherapy treatment at the same time (i.e. courses which are simultaneous or which overlap). These courses may have the same or different ready-for-care dates and the same or different radiotherapy start dates.

Only a radiation oncologist can prescribe a course of radiotherapy treatment. A prescription is not equal to a course of radiotherapy treatment. A prescription may be for one or more courses of radiotherapy treatment. A prescription outlines the anatomical region/sites to be treated and is for a prescribed dose at a defined volume (fractionation) over a defined period of time.

One course of radiotherapy treatment may cover multiple phases and multiple treatment plans.

The completion of a course of radiotherapy treatment is not relevant to the definition of a course of radiotherapy treatment.


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