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Proportion of people with diabetes mellitus who have received a Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) annual cycle of care.

Indicator Summary

Number of people with a completed MBS or DVA diabetes annual cycle of care.
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Number of people with diagnosed Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes in the community.
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Numerator: Include MBS A18.2 or A19.2 codes.

Denominator: Exclude gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), ‘other’ diabetes cases and deceased registrants.

Analysis by state and territory, remoteness and SEIFA Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) is based on the postcode of residence of person as recorded in Medicare Australia's database at the date the last service was received in the reference period. …

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2008–09 and 2009-10 (updated to include DVA data), and 2010–11—Nationally, by SEIFA Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) deciles

2008–09 and 2009-10 (updated to include DVA data), and 2010–11—State and territory, by:

  • remoteness (Australian Standard Geographical Classification Remoteness Structure)
  • SEIFA IRSD quintiles

Some disaggregations may result in numbers too small for publication.

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Calculation rules

Computation Rule

Numerator: Include MBS A18.2 or A19.2 codes.

Denominator: Exclude gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), ‘other’ diabetes cases and deceased registrants.

Analysis by state and territory, remoteness and SEIFA Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) is based on the postcode of residence of person as recorded in Medicare Australia's database at the date the last service was received in the reference period.

Presented as a percentage.

Number of people with a completed MBS or DVA diabetes annual cycle of care.
Number of people with diagnosed Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes in the community.

2008–09 and 2009-10 (updated to include DVA data), and 2010–11—Nationally, by SEIFA Index of Relative Socioeconomic Disadvantage (IRSD) deciles

2008–09 and 2009-10 (updated to include DVA data), and 2010–11—State and territory, by:

  • remoteness (Australian Standard Geographical Classification Remoteness Structure)
  • SEIFA IRSD quintiles

Some disaggregations may result in numbers too small for publication.


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