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A code set that represents a type of organisation.


Data Type Number
Format NN
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 01 Proprietary
02 Limited
03 Proprietary limited
04 No liability
05 Other registered company
06 Sole proprietor
07 Family partnership
08 Other partnership
09 Trust
10 Trustee
11 Cooperative society
12 Charitable institution
15 Social and sporting clubs
16 Trade unions and other organizations
20 Other (Private)
21 Australian Government Department
22 Australian Government Legislature, Courts etc.
23 Australian Government Municipal Authority in Territories
24 Australian Government Marketing Boards
25 Australian Government Statutory Authority
26 Australian Government other (including Government-owned companies)
31 State Government Department
32 State Government Legislature Courts etc.
33 State Government Marketing Boards
34 Local Government Authority
36 State Government other (including Government-owned companies)
41 Diplomatic or Trade Missions
42 Other Foreign Government


Standards Australia 2006. AS 4590—2006 Interchange of client information. Sydney: Standards Australia.


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