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The reason(s) a person with cancer was not administered treatment for cancer, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Reason(s) treatment not administered code N ".
Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Advanced age
2 Comorbid conditions
3 Poor performance status
4 Patient died prior to planned or recommended treatment
5 Patient or family declined treatment
Supplementary Values 88 Other
97 Not applicable-treatment administered to patient
98 Unknown whether treatment administered to patient
99 Treatment not administered to patient but reasons not stated/inadequately described


Guide for use:

Record the reason that a person with an initial diagnosis of cancer was not administered treatment.

Treatment refers to any surgery, radiotherapy or systemic therapy agent that removes or modifies either primary or secondary malignant tissue. It may be curative or palliative in intent.

For this item the use of supportive therapy such as the administration of analgesia or anti-emetics is not classed as treatment.

This information is used to evaluate the quality of care by distinguishing between contraindications to treatment due to patient risk factors, patient or family refusing treatment, and treatment not being offered for reasons unknown.


American College of Surgeons 2002. Facility Oncology Registry Data Standards (FORDS), 2009 revision. Commission on Cancer

This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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