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The total of the daily number of detainees held in custody by a service provider organisation.


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:
Only detainees who have been formally admitted to the centre should be counted. Number of detainees should be the sum of the daily number of detainees held in custody at midnight of each day, over a set 12-month period.


National Corrections Advisory Group 1999. National Corrections Advisory Group Data Collection Manual 1998-99. Canberra. Viewed 10 November 2006, <>


This is required to calculate utilisation rates (ie the extent to which the design capacity of the remand/detention centre is meeting the demand for the accommodation of detainees) for remand and detention centres.

A calculation of utilisation rate could be used as that defined by the National Corrections Advisory Group to calculate ‘Prison Utilisation’. A summary version of the calculation for prisons is:

Calculate average useable prison design capacity – total the number of cells designed for single occupancy and the number of designated beds for shared cells or dormitories on each day of a set 12 month period, making note of seasonal variation (annual capacity). Divide this by the number of days in the year (365.25).

Calculate daily average prisoner population – total the daily number of prisoners in custody over a set 12 month period (Total number of detainees) and divide by the number of days in the year (365.25).

Total prison utilisation equals total daily average prisoner population divided by average useable prison design capacity multiplied by 100.


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