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Episodes of residential care for residents in all government-funded residential mental health care services in Australia, except those residential care services that are in receipt of funding under the Aged Care Act and subject to Commonwealth reporting requirements (i.e. report to the System for the payment of Aged Residential Care (SPARC) collection).

Some admitted patient care services may meet the definition of a residential mental health service. However, as they are admitted patient care services, relevant data on their patients are reported to the National Minimum Data Set for Admitted Patient Care.

Glossary items

Episode of residential care end

Episode of residential care start


Residential mental health care service

Metadata items in this Data Set Specification

Below is a list of all the components within this Dataset Specification.
Each entry includes the item name, whether the item is optional, mandatory or conditional and the maximum times the item can occur in a dataset.
If the items must occur in a particular order in the dataset, the sequence number is included before the item name.

Data Elements
Reference Data Element Data Type Length Inclusion #
Episode of care—additional diagnosis, code (ICD-10-AM 7th edn) ANN{.N[N]} String 6 mandatory 1
Episode of care—mental health legal status, code N Number 1 mandatory 1
Episode of care—principal diagnosis, code (ICD-10-AM 7th edn) ANN{.N[N]}
Specific Information:

Codes can be used from ICD-10-AM or from The ICD-10-AM Mental Health Manual: An Integrated Classification and Diagnostic Tool for Community-Based Mental Health Services, published by the National Centre for Classification in Health 2002.

The principal diagnosis should be recorded and coded upon the end of an episode of residential care (i.e. annually for continuing residential care).

- - mandatory 1
Episode of residential care—episode end date, DDMMYYYY
Specific Information:

Data in this field must:

  • be ≤ last day of reference period
  • be ≥ first day of reference period
  • be ≥ Episode of residential care start date
Date/Time 8 mandatory 1
Episode of residential care—episode end mode, code N Number 1 mandatory 1
Episode of residential care—episode start date, DDMMYYYY
Specific Information:

Right justified and zero filled.

episode of residential care start date ≤ episode of residential care end date.

episode of residential care start date ≥ date of birth.

Date/Time 8 mandatory 1
Episode of residential care—episode start mode, code N Number 1 mandatory 1
Episode of residential care—number of leave days, total N[NN]
Specific Information:
Episode of residential care end date minus episode of residential care start date minus leave days from residential care must be >= 0 days.
Number 3 mandatory 1
Episode of residential care—referral destination (mental health care), code N Number 1 mandatory 1
Establishment—Australian state/territory identifier, code N Number 1 mandatory 1
Establishment—organisation identifier (Australian), NNX[X]NNNNN - - mandatory 1
Establishment—organisation identifier (state/territory), NNNNN - - mandatory 1
Establishment—region identifier, X[X] - - mandatory 1
Establishment—sector, code N
Specific Information:

CODE 1 is to be used for government-operated residential mental health care services.

CODE 2 to be used for residential mental health care services operated by non-government organisations.

- - mandatory 1
Person—area of usual residence, geographical location code (ASGC 2009) NNNNN - - mandatory 1
Person—country of birth, code (SACC 2008) NNNN - - mandatory 1
Person: Date of Birth, DDMMYYYY
Specific Information:

This field must not be null.

National Minimum Data Sets:

For the provision of State and Territory hospital data to Commonwealth agencies this field must:

  • be less than or equal to Admission date, Date patient presents or Service contact date
  • be consistent with diagnoses and procedure codes, for records to be grouped.
Date/Time 8 mandatory 1
Person—Indigenous status, code N Number 1 mandatory 1
Person: Marital Status, Code N Number 1 mandatory 1
Person—person identifier, XXXXXX[X(14)] - - mandatory 1
Person: Sex, Code N Number 1 mandatory 1
Residential stay—episode start date, DDMMYYYY
Specific Information:

Right justified and zero filled.

Residential stay start date ≤ episode of residential care end date.

Residential stay start date ≥ date of birth

Date/Time 8 mandatory 1



Some admitted patient care services may meet the definition of a residential mental health service. However, as they are admitted patient care services, relevant data on their patients are reported to the National Minimum Data Set for Admitted Patient Care.

Glossary items

Episode of residential care end

Episode of residential care start


Residential mental health care service


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