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This item has been superseded by a newer version by one or more Registration Authorities.


A code set representing impairments of body structure or function, limitations in activities, or restrictions in participation.


Data Type Number
Format N{N}
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values Intellectual/learning
1 Intellectual (including Down’s syndrome)
2 Specific learning/Attention Deficit Disorder (other than intellectual)
3 Autism (including Asperger’s syndrome and Pervasive Developmental Delay)
12 Developmental delay (applies to 0-5 year olds only, where no other category is appropriate)
4 Physical
5 Acquired brain injury
6 Neurological (including epilepsy and Alzheimer’s disease)
7 Deafblind (dual sensory)
8 Vision (sensory)
9 Hearing (sensory)
10 Speech (sensory)
11 Psychiatric
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/Inadequately described


Guide for use:

For a mapping of this value domain to the national standard for disability group follow this link 'Disability group code mapping from NCSDD to NDA'.

CODE 1 Intellectual

Intellectual disability applies to conditions appearing in the developmental period (age 0-18) associated with impairment of mental functions, difficulties in learning and performing certain daily life skills and limitation of adaptive skills in the context of community environments compared to others of the same age. Includes Down’s syndrome, tuberous sclerosis, cri-du-chat syndrome etc.

CODE 2 Specific learning

Learning disability is a general term referring to a group of disorders, presumed due to central nervous system dysfunction rather than an intellectual disability, covering significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical skills.

CODE 3 Autism

Autism is used to describe pervasive developmental disorders involving disturbances in cognition, interpersonal communication, social interactions and behaviour (in particular obsessional, ritualistic, stereotyped and rigid behaviours).

CODE 4 Physical

Physical disability is used to describe conditions that are attributable to a physical cause or impact on the ability to perform physical activities, such as mobility. Physical disability includes paraplegia, quadriplegia, muscular dystrophy, motor neurone disease, neuromuscular disorders, cerebral palsy, absence or deformities of limbs, spina bifida, arthritis, back disorders, ataxia, bone formation or degeneration, scoliosis etc. Impairments may affect internal organs such as lung or liver.

CODE 5 Acquired brain injury

Acquired brain injury is used to describe multiple disabilities arising from damage to the brain acquired after birth. It results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. It can be as a result of accidents, stroke, brain tumours, infection, poisoning, lack of oxygen, degenerative neurological disease etc.

CODE 6 Neurological

Neurological disability applies to impairments of the nervous system occurring after birth and includes epilepsy and organic dementias (eg. Alzheimer’s disease) as well as such conditions as multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.

CODE 7 Deafblind

Deaf blind is used to describe dual sensory impairments causing severe restrictions in communication, and in the ability to participate in community life.

CODE 8 Vision

Vision disability encompasses blindness, vision impairment (not corrected by glasses or contact lenses).

CODE 9 Hearing

Hearing disability encompasses deafness, hearing impairment, hearing loss.

CODE 10 Speech

Speech disability encompasses speech loss, impairment and/or difficulty in communication.

CODE 11 Psychiatric

Psychiatric disability includes recognisable symptoms and behaviour patterns associated with distress that may impair personal functioning in normal social activity. Conditions such as schizophrenia, affective disorders, anxiety disorders, addictive behaviours, personality disorders, stress, psychosis, depression and adjustment disorders are included.

CODE 12 Developmental delay

Developmental delay is applicable to children aged 0-5 only. Conditions appearing in the early developmental period, with no specific diagnosis. Developmental delay maps into the intellectual/learning category of the International disability grouping.


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