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The type of physical setting in which a person usually resides, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Accommodation type (NDA) code N[N] ".
Data Type Number
Format N[N]
Maximum character length 2
Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Private residence (e.g. private or public rental, owned, purchasing etc)
2 Residence within an Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander community (e.g. rented private residence, temporary shelter)
3 Domestic-scale supported living facility (e.g. group homes)
4 Supported accommodation facility (e.g. hostels, supported residential services or facilities)
5 Boarding house/private hotel
6 Independent living unit within a retirement village
7 Residential aged care facility (nursing home or aged care hostel)
8 Psychiatric/mental health community care facility
9 Hospital
10 Short term crisis, emergency or transitional accommodation facility (e.g. night shelters, refuges, hostels for the homeless, halfway houses)
11 Public place/temporary shelter
12 Other
1 Private residence (e.g. private or public rental, owned, purchasing etc)
2 Residence within an Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander community (e.g. rented private residence, temporary shelter)
3 Domestic-scale supported living facility (e.g. group homes)
4 Supported accommodation facility (e.g. hostels, supported residential services or facilities)
5 Boarding house/private hotel
6 Independent living unit within a retirement village
7 Residential aged care facility (nursing home or aged care hostel)
8 Psychiatric/mental health community care facility
9 Hospital
10 Short term crisis, emergency or transitional accommodation facility (e.g. night shelters, refuges, hostels for the homeless, halfway houses)
11 Public place/temporary shelter
12 Other
Supplementary Values 99 Not stated/inadequately described (not for use in primary data collections)
99 Not stated/inadequately described (not for use in primary data collections)


Guide for use:

‘Usual’ is defined as where the person usually resides for four or more days per week on average. If it is difficult to determine the person’s ‘usual’ residential setting for the reporting period, the setting the person resided in during the reference week is reported.

CODE 1 Private residence

Private residence refers to private residences which include a wide range of dwelling types, such as houses, flats, units, caravans, mobile homes, boats etc.

CODE 2 Residence within an Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander community

Residence within an Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander community should be used for service users that live in this type of setting, regardless of whether the residence is a private residence or a public place/temporary shelter (codes 1 and 11).

CODE 3 Domestic-scale supported living facility

Domestic-scale supported living facility refers to community living settings in which service users reside in a facility that provides support in some way by staff or volunteers. This category includes group homes, cluster apartments where a support worker lives on site, community residential apartments, congregate care arrangements, etc. Domestic-scale supported living settings may or may not have 24 hour supervision and care. Independent living units in retirement villages should be coded to 6 and community psychiatric facilities should be coded to 8. (Service users receiving service type 1.04 ‘Group homes’ should be coded to 3).

CODE 4 Supported accommodation facility

Supported accommodation facility refers to settings in which service users reside in an accommodation facility which provides board or lodging for a number of people and which has support services provided on what is usually a 24 hour basis by rostered care workers. (Service users receiving DS NMDS service types 1.01, 1.02 or 1.03 should be coded to 4). Supported accommodation facilities include hostels for people with disability. This code should be used for larger supported accommodation facilities (usually 7 or more people) that provide 24 hour supervision or care. Smaller supported accommodation facilities (i.e. less than 7 people) which may or may not have 24 hour supervision or care should be coded to 3 ‘Domestic-scale supported living facility’. Aged care hostels should be coded to 7 ‘residential aged care facility’.

CODE 7 Residential aged care facility

Residential aged care facility includes permanent residents of Residential aged care services (formerly nursing homes and aged care hostels) and Multi-purpose services or Multi-purpose centres, who are receiving low level or high level care.

CODE 8 Psychiatric/mental health community care facility

Psychiatric/mental health community care facility refers to community care units which provide accommodation and non-acute care and support on a temporary basis to people with mental illness or psychological disabilities.

CODE 11 Public place/temporary shelter

Public place/temporary shelter includes public places such as streets and parks, as well as temporary shelters such as bus shelters or camps and accommodation outside legal tenure arrangements, such as squats.

CODE 12 Other

Other includes situations such as a child under a court/guardianship order with no usual address.

Disability Services National Minimum Data Set (DS NMDS) collection: data guide 2012–13.


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