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A palliative care agency is an organisation or organisational sub-unit that provides specialist palliative care and receives Australian or state/territory government funding (including Australian Health Care Agreement funding), or does not provide specialist palliative care but receives Australian Health Care Agreement funding to provide care incorporating a palliative approach or palliative care-related services.


Guide for use:

'Specialist palliative care' services work substantively in the area of palliative care they would usually provide consultative and ongoing care for people with a life-limiting illness and provide support for primary carers and family members, provide multi-disciplinary healthcare and employ healthcare professionals who have qualifications or experience in palliative care.

Care may be provided in admitted patient and/or community settings. Community settings include outpatient facilities.

A palliative care agency represents the level of an organisation that is responsible for the care provided to clients (i.e. care coordination) regardless of whether the agency provides this care directly or purchases the care on behalf of clients.


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