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A unique identifier assigned to each agency or carer that provides out-of-home care services within a state or territory.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Identifier NX[X(13)] ".
Data Type String
Format NX[X(13)]
Maximum character length 15


Guide for use:

This metadata item consists of a code made up of a state and territory identifier followed by a varying number of characters, depending on the state and territory.

A state and territory identifier should be the first character of the ID, according to the ABS standard:
1. New South Wales
2. Victoria
3. Queensland
4. South Australia
5. Western Australian
6. Tasmania
7. Northern Territory
8. Australian Capital Territory
9. Other Territories (i.e. Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Jervis Bay Territory)

Each carer is to be assigned a unique client ID by the Community Services department that will be retained by the carer and will remain unique to the carer through time. The first character of the ID code indicates the state or territory in which the carer resides. Subsequent characters may be alphabetic or numeric and the number of characters may vary between the jurisdictions. However, within each state and territory, each carer should be identified by a code using consistent format.

In foster care, relative/kin care and family group homes, the carer ID is assigned to the person(s) caring for the child. If there is a couple caring for the child and one carer leaves the home (e.g. divorce, separation or the carer dies), as long as one of the carers remains with the child the ID stays with the remaining carer. For family group homes, if both carers leave, the carer ID will be that of the incoming carers. For residential care, if there are a number of houses in the same location (i.e. co-located on a block of land or adjacent blocks of land) then each house should have its own identification number. Also, if a service has a number of houses and they are not co-located, such as in other suburbs, then each of these will have a separate ID.

For family group homes, if the carers leave the home for more than 2 weeks at a time (e.g. annual leave), this counts as a new placement and the incoming relief carers identification number should be recorded.

Child protection and support services out-of-home care data dictionary. AIHW Version 1.0 Oct 2005.


This metadata item is important to determining the number of different carers a child has.


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