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A code set representing the type of supported accommodation.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Crisis/short-term accommodation
2 Medium/long-term accommodation
8 Other supported accommodation


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Crisis/short-term accommodation

This option refers to accommodation that is generally provided for up to three months. Crisis accommodation generally involves a more intensive staff/client relationship, which may include 24 hour on-site or on-call access to staff support, usually required in the early stages of homelessness.

CODE 2 Medium/long-term accommodation

This option refers to accommodation that is generally provided for three months or longer and support provided is generally less intensive than that provided in crisis accommodation.

CODE 8 Other SAAP supported accommodation

Accommodation that has not been demarcated as being either crisis/short-term or medium/long-term accommodation.


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