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A count of the number of days during which a person received services.


Data Element (this item)


This representation is based on the value domain for this data element, more information is available at " Total days NNN ".
Data Type Number
Format NNN
Maximum character length 3


Guide for use:

Measuring the duration of service, in conjunction with Reason for cessation of services, assists in assessing the appropriateness and effectiveness of these services. This information also facilitates interstate and cross regional comparisons of accommodation support and comparisons between different service user sub-populations.

Duration of service for a particular service type is calculated by subtracting Service commencement date from Last service date. Or, for service users who have ceased to receive services during a reporting period, Service commencement date should be subtracted from Service exit date.

For service users who received services on only one day during the reporting period (and whose Service commencement date and Last service date are reported as the same date), the duration of service should be calculated as '1'.


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