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A code set representing the sources from which a juvenile justice client is transferred.


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Another juvenile justice custodial facility within the jurisdiction
2 Adult correctional facility within the jurisdiction
3 Other adult justice supervision/case management agency–within the jurisdiction
4 Interstate
5 Other


Guide for use:

CODE 0 Not applicable–entry not due to transfer

To be coded in circumstances where the juvenile has entered the JJ episode due to some reason other than a transfer from another JJ institution, from interstate or from the adult system. A change in JJ episode type such as from remand to detention is not considered to be a transfer if this is within the same jurisdiction, even though the juvenile may also be moved from a remand centre to a detention centre. However, if the juvenile has been transferred from interstate to a detention centre then this should be coded as 4.

CODE 1 Another juvenile justice custodial facility within the jurisdiction

If a juvenile has been transferred from one detention centre to another within the state then, as specified in the definition of a JJ episode, this will be counted as a discharge and another admission. The Reason for exit from the previous episode will be coded as 4 ‘transferred’ and the Transferred source for the following episode will be coded as 1.

CODE 2 Adult correctional facility within the jurisdiction

If a juvenile is on a detention order in an adult facility and then is transferred to a juvenile facility within the same state then this should be coded as 2. If the juvenile has transferred to a juvenile facility from an interstate adult facility then this should be coded as 4.

CODE 3 Other adult justice supervision/case management agency–within the jurisdiction

If a juvenile is on a non-custodial order or arrangement under supervision of an adult justice agency and is transferred to the supervision of a juvenile justice agency within the same state (with no change in legal status) then this should be coded as 3.

CODE 4 Interstate

If a juvenile has been transferred from interstate this should be coded as 4.

CODE 5 Other

Other type of transfer not included above.


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