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The setting in which a palliative care agency delivers palliative care services, as represented by a code.


Data Element (this item)


Guide for use:

CODE 1 Private residence

This may include a caravan, a mobile home, a houseboat or a unit in a retirement village.

CODE 2 Residential - aged care setting

Includes high and low care residential aged care facilities. Does not include units in a retirement village.

CODE 3 Residential - other setting

Includes a residential facility other than an aged care facility; a prison; or a community living environment including a group home. This code does not include inpatient settings e.g. hospitals and hospices.

CODE 4 Non-residential setting

Includes day respite centres and day centres. It does not include hospital outpatient departments.

CODE 5 Inpatient - designated palliative care unit or hospice

A dedicated ward or unit that receives identified funding for palliative care and/or primarily delivers palliative care. The unit may be a standalone unit (i.e. a hospice).

CODE 6 Inpatient - other than designated palliative care unit

Includes all beds not in a unit designated for palliative care. These are usually located in acute hospital wards. Excludes designated palliative care units.

CODE 7 Outpatient - in a hospital/hospice

Includes palliative care services provided at a hospital/hospice in an outpatient setting. Excludes all inpatient settings.


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