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A code set representing the intention of the treatment for cancer. 


Data Type Number
Format N
Maximum character length 1


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Prophylactic
2 Curative
3 Non-curative or palliative


Guide for use:

CODE 0 Did not have treatment

This code is used when the patient did not have treatment as part of the initial management plan

CODE 1 Prophylactic

This code is used when the cancer has not developed

CODE 2 Curative

This code is used when treatment is given for control of the disease

CODE 3 Non-curative or Palliative

This code is used when the cure is unlikely to be achieved and treatment is given primarily for the purpose of pain control. Other benefits of the treatment are considered secondary contributions to the patient's quality of life

CODE 9 Intention was not stated

Patient had treatment for cancer but the intention was not stated.


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