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A code set representing the degree to which specified environmental factors influence the body function or structure, the activity or participation of a person from the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF 2001).



Data Type String
Format [X]N
Maximum character length 2


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Supplementary Values 8 Barrier not specified
+8 Facilitator not specified
9 Not applicable


Guide for use:

Environmental factors make up the physical, social and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives. The type of environmental factor, external from the individual, can have a positive or negatvie influence on a person's participation as a member of society, on performance of activities, or on a person's body function or structure. 

Identifying whether, and by how much, environmental factors are influencing an individual's level of functioning, and whether the influence is a facilitator or barrier, may indicate the sorts of interventions that will optimise the individual's functioning. This information may be for policy development, service provision, or advocacy purposes. Preventative strategies could be indicated by this information.

This metadata item contributes to the definition of the concept 'Disability' and gives an indication of the experience of disability for a person.

Code +0 No facilitator:

Is recorded when the environment factor(s) do not impact in a positive way on the impairment of body structures or function, activity or participation of a person.

Code +1 Mild facilitator:

Is recorded when the environmental factor(s) impact in a positive way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person between 5-24% of the time the person participates in the specified area.

Code +2 Moderate facilitators:

Is recorded when the environmental factor(s) impact in a positive way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person between 25-49% of the time the person participates in the specified area.

Code +3 Substantial facilitators:

Is recorded when the environmental factor(s) impact in a positive way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person between 50-95% of the time the person participates in the specified area.

Code +4 Complete facilitators:

Is recorded when the environmental factor(s) impact in a positive way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person between 96-100% of the time the person participates in the specified area.

Code +8 Facilitator not specified:

Is recorded when there is insufficient information to record the Extent of environmental influence code (ICF 2001) N in classes +1 to +4.

Code 0 No barrier:

Is recorded when the environment factor(s) do not impact in a negative way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person.

Code 1 Mild barriers:

Is recorded when the environmental factor(s) impact in a negative way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person between 5-24% of the time the person participates in the specified area.

Code 2 Moderate barriers:

Is recorded when the environmental factor(s) impact in a negative way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person between 25-49% of the time the person participates in that specified area.

Code 3 Severe barriers:

Is recorded when the environmental factor(s) impact in a negative way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person between 50-95% of the time the person participates in that specified area.

Code 4 Complete barriers:

Is recorded when the environmental factor(s) impact in a negative way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person between 96-100% of the time the person participates in the specified area.

Code 8 Barrier not specified:

Is recorded when there is insufficient information to record the Extent of environmental influence code (ICF 2001) N in classes 1 to 4.

Code 9 Not applicable:

Is recorded when environmental factors impacts in neither a positive or negative way on the impairment, activity or participation of a person or for between 0-4% of the time the person participates in that specified area.

The environment in which a person functions or experiences disability.


World Health Organization (WHO) 2001. ICF: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Geneva: WHO

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2003. ICF Australian User Guide Version 1.0. Canberra: AIHW


Further information on the ICF including more detailed codes, can be found in the ICF itself and the ICF Australian User Guide (AIHW 2003), at the following websites:

This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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