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A code set representing the Body Functions component of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF 2001).


Data Type Number
Format N[NNNN]
Maximum character length 5


Value Meaning Start Date End Date
Permissible Values 1 Mental functions
2 Sensory functions and pain
3 Voice and speech functions
4 Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems
5 Functions of the digestive, metabolic and endocrine systems
6 Genitourinary and reproductive functions
7 Neuromusculoskeletal and movement-related functions
8 Functions of the skin and related structures
Supplementary Values The above are ICF chapter headings. For 3, 4, and 5-digit codes under these chapter headings, please refer to the Body Functions component of the ICF.


Guide for use:

Body functions are the physiological functions of body systems (including psychological functions).

Body refers to the human organism as a whole; hence it includes the brain and its functions, that is, the mind.

The 'Body functions' classification is a neutral list of functions that can be used to record positive or neutral body function as well as impairment of body function.

'Impairments' of body functions are problems in body functions such as a loss or significant departure from population standards or averages.

This metadata item, in conjunction with Impairment extent code X, enables the provision of information about the presence and extent of impairment for given body functions.

'Body functions' and 'Body structures' together represent one of the three components that define the concept 'Disability'. 'Activities and participation' and 'Environmental factors' are the other two components.

Examples of the Permissible values listed in the Body Functions component of the ICF:

CODE 1     Mental functions

Global mental functions, specific mental functions.

CODE 2     Sensory functions and pain

Seeing and related functions, hearing and vestibular functions, additional sensory functions including pain.

CODE 3     Voice and speech functions

Functions of producing sounds and speech, such as articulation, fluency and rhythm.

CODE 4     Functions of the cardiovascular, haematological, immunological and respiratory systems

Functions of the cardiovascular system, functions of the haematological system, functions of the respiratory system.

CODE 5     Functions of the digestive, metabolic and the endocrine system

Functions related to the digestive system, functions relating to metabolism and the endocrine system.

CODE 6     Genitourinary and reproductive functions

Urinary functions, genital and reproductive functions.

CODE 7     Neuromusculoseletal and movement-related functions

Functions of the joints and bones, muscle functions, movement functions.

CODE 8     Functions of the skin and related structures

Functions of the skin, functions of the hair and nails.

Human functioning and disability.


World Health Organization (WHO) 2001. ICF: International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health. Geneva: WHO

Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2003. ICF Australian User Guide Version 1.0. Canberra: AIHW




Further information on the ICF, including more detailed codes, can be found in the ICF itself and the ICF Australian User Guide (AIHW 2003), at the following websites:

This content Based on Australian Institute of Health and Welfare material. Attribution provided as required under the AIHW CC-BY licence.

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