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The Postcode datafile code set representing Australian postcodes as defined by Australia Post.


Data Type Number
Format {NNNN}
Maximum character length 4



Postcode - Australian may be used in the analysis of data on a geographical basis, which involves a conversion from postcodes to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) postal areas. This conversion results in some inaccuracy of information. However, in some data sets postcode is the only geographic identifier, therefore the use of other more accurate indicators (e.g. Statistical Local Area (SLA)) is not always possible.

When dealing with aggregate data, postal areas, converted from postcodes, can be mapped to Australian Standard Geographical Classification codes using an ABS concordance, for example to determine SLAs. It should be noted that such concordances should not be used to determine the SLA of any individual's postcode. Where individual street addresses are available, these can be mapped to ASGC codes (e.g. SLAs).


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